The the 9th (2023) ECNU International Forum of Young Scientists (Scholars) Sub-Forum for the School of Psychology and Cognitive Science
- Introduction -
The International Forum of Young Scientists (Scholars) (Sub-Forum for the School of Psychology and Cognitive Science) is regularly organized by East China Normal University. This sub-forum provides an academic platform for exchanging research progresses and ideas among outstanding young scientists, focusing on the related fields of Modern psychology, Cognitive science and Brain sciences. The forum of this year will be hosted in December 2023.
- Theme and schedule -
Fields and Disciplines
Artificial Intelligence,Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Social Neuroscience, Social Psychology ,Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Clinical Neuroscience (Mental Disorders), Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Psychological Assessment and Statistics, Human Factors Engineering, Health Psychology, Network Psychology, etc.
The forum is planned to be held in December 2023.The detailed agenda of the forum will be announced later.
- Registration Conditions -
Young scientists should be aged below 40, with a PhD degree from a prestigious Chinese or foreign university or research institution, and have made outstanding academic achievements in fields related to Psychology or Cognitive Science.
- Registration Method -
From now on, applicants can register it online by scanning QR code. The QR code is as follows:
Deadline for online application:
December 1, 2023
The School of Psychology and Cognitive Science will invite selected young scientists to attend the forum.
- Reimbursement of Travel Expenses -
学校为受邀线下参会的优秀青年人才安排食宿并提供会议规定日期 (15日以内)的国际往返经济舱机票费用,欧美地区不超过1.5万元人民币/人,亚太地区不超过6000元人民币/人;国内经济舱或二等座,不超过1500元人民币/人。
The university will arrange accommodations andreimburse round-trip economy-class airfare expenses for outstanding young talents invited to attendthe forum in person, in accordance with the conferences specified dates (within 15 days). For thosetravel from Europe and North America, the cost willnot exceed 15,000 RMB per person. For those travelfrom the Asia-Pacific region, it will not exceed 6,000RMB per person.For domestic travel (economy-classor second-class seats only), the cost will not exceed1,5000 RMB per person.
- Positions Available -
学校为优秀青年人才提供优厚的薪酬待遇和完善的服务保障,竭诚欢迎海外优秀青年人才依托学校申报2024年度国家优秀青年科学基金项目 (海外)及相关人才项目。
High-level Young Talents
1.Zijiang Outstanding Young Scholar
(Young Leading Talent)
Applicants should meet the following requirements:
▲Holding a doctorate degree,the applicantshould have obtained a formal teaching or research position in an overseas university, research institution, or corporate research anddevelopment institution, and have more than 3years of continuous work experience; for thosewho have obtained a doctorate degree overseas and have particularly outstanding performance, the limitation of work experience maybe flexible;
▲The applicant should be capable of teachingcore undergraduate courses; have outstanding academic achievements, with strong teamleadership, coordination skills, and great potenitial for innovation and further developmenthave the ability to promote or lead the relevantdiscipline towards a world-class level.
▲Age limit of up to 40; for the applicants in thehumanities and social sciences, the age limitmay be flexible.
The university offers generous compensationpackages and comprehensive support to out-standing young talents. We sincerely inviteleading young talents from overseas to applyfor the 2024 National Science Fund for Distin-guished Young Scholars (Overseas) and otherrelated talent programs.
For more details, please see the following guide:
2.Zijiang Young Scholar
(Top Young Talent)
Applicants should meet the following requirements:
▲Holding a doctorate degree, the applicantshould have postdoctoral research experienceof one year or more; for those who have ob-tained a doctorate degree overseas and haveparticularly outstanding performance, the workexperience limit may be flexible:
▲The applicant shall have obtained the achievement of scientific research or technology anoother achievements widely recognized in theirfield, and have great potential of becoming anacademic leader or outstanding talent in thefield;
▲Age limit of up to 35 years old; for the appli-cants for the humanities and social sciencesthe age limit may be flexible.
3.Outstanding Reserve Talents
Applicants should meet the following requirements:
▲Hold a doctorate degree.
▲Have a solid foundation of scientific researchincluding academic achievements, great potential and innovative thinking.
▲Age limit of up to 35 years old.
- Compensation and Benefits -
competitive salary and housing allowance with reference to corresponding positions in world-class universities.In addition to the school salary, the College will provide a certain amount of compensation, as detailed on the website:
Support for innovative research
facilities andresearch teams
priority will be given to building up research teamswith world-class scholars, faculty teams and staff.
Graduate student supervision
strong support for doctoral and masters student recruitment.
providing comfortable housing near the campusduring the transition period with well-equipped facilities for direct turnkey move-in.
providing large offices with good environment.
Medical support
access to the best medical resources in Shanghai.
Other benefits
assistance in looking for a job for your spouse, applying for household registration in Shanghai, andapplying for permanent residence permit for for-eigners,etc.
Childrens education
helping with childrens schooling and access toShanghais top education resources from kindergarten to high school (schools are just a block awayfrom the university).
ECNU supports the application of various nation-al and Shanghai municipal talent programs forthose who meet the qualifications. For those whosucceed in their application, the housing subsi-dies and research funds will be significantly in-creased.
- Contact -
the Personnel Department of ECNU
王老师(Ms. Wang)
+86-21- 34756886
the School of Psychology and Cognitive Science
张老师(Mr. Zhang)
- A Brief Introduction to the School
and the University -
East China Normal University (ECNU), founded on October 16, 1951, is a comprehensive research-oriented university jointly supported by the Ministry of Education of China and the Shanghai Municipal Peoples Government. In 1996, ECNU was listed in the national top university construction programs "Project 211". In 2006, ECNU was sponsored by the national "Project 985". In 2017, the university entered A-class of the national world-class university construction. Adhering to the university motto of “Seek truth, foster originality, and live up to the name of a teacher”, ECNU has made great achievements in talent-training, scientific research, community services and international exchanges. ECNU is working steadily towards its goal of elevating itself into a world-class university.
华东师范大学网站(East China Normal University website):
华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院前身为 1951年成立的华东师大教育系心理学教研室;1979年成立心理学系,是新球探体育比分:第2个心理学系;2008年成立心理与认知科学学院。为国务院学位委员会批准的首批博士、硕士学位授权点单位,拥有一级学科博士点和硕士点,设有博士后流动站。拥有国家重点学科、国家理科基地、国家级一流专业建设点、国家级实验教学示范中心、教育部高等学校特色专业、2个国家级一流本科专业建设点、国家基础科学拔尖学生培养计划2.0基地、上海市一流学科,是上海市脑功能基因组学重点实验室、上海市心理健康与危机干预重点实验室、上海市人文社科(心理学)基地依托单位。
学院的学科设置横向交叉,纵向贯通,在众多研究方向上取得世界瞩目的科学发现,成果发表在 Nat Commun、 Nat Hum Behav、 Sci Adv、 PNAS、 eLife、J Neurosci、 Cereb Cortex、 Child Dev和《心理学报》等高水平期刊上。
Psychology at East China Normal University (ECNU) has a nearly 70-year history. Dating back to 1951, there were five distinguished professors among the initial team of faculty members (Jinan Hu,Xunchu Xie, Xiaorong Xiao, Yaoxiang Zhang, and Renxia Zuo), all of whom studied abroad in either Europe or the United States and were known and respected nationally. The arrival of these professors laid a strong foundation for the teaching and research of psychology at ECNU. In 2008, almost 60 years later, the School of Psychology and Cognitive Science was officially established, including four departments (Department of Cognition and Neuroscience, Department of Life-span Development and Learning Science, Department of Social and Managerial Psychology, Department of Health and Clinical Psychology), and two Shanghai Key Laboratories (the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics, the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Mental Health and Psychological Crisis Intervention). ECNU psychology program has always been ranked in the top five in China in the past 20 years.
There are more than 60 full-time core faculty members in our school at the present, and 20 postdoctoral scholars as well. Nearly half of the faculty members have received various honors at either the national or municipal level - for instance, the distinguished professor award granted by the Ministry of Education of China, the award for the Excellent Young Scientist granted by the National Science Foundation of China, the award for Leading Talent from the Shanghai government, and the distinguished professor award from the Shanghai government. In addition, our faculty members also hold positions in important academic institutions and academic journals, including a member of the Discipline Appraisal Group of the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council, chief editor of Journal of Psychological Science, chief editor of Popular Psychology, and associate editor of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, and some hold adjunct faculty positions at universities out of China, including Yale University in the US and Alberta University in Canada.
We have a large student body including about 450 undergraduates enrolled in our two majors (Basic Psychology, Applied Psychology), more than 400 Masters students, and 130 Ph.D. One of the missions of our school is to train students with "a solid theoretical foundation, a broad professional vision, a firm sense of mission, and strong willingness to learn," that are fundamental characteristics every psychologist and professional should have. Upon completion of their training in our school, the students will possess the potential ability to carry out high-level basic research and applied research in the fields of brain science, artificial intelligence, intelligent education and mental health promotion.
Our research objectives are as follow: (1) cultivating innovative talents with an international perspective engaged in psychological scientific research and social service; (2) producing excellent academic products through both domestic and international collaborations, with a focus on the frontier and realistic major issues in the field of psychology; and (3) bringing those findings in psychological science to bear on human functioning and fundamental human problems. In recent years, our research has focused on the psychological and neural mechanisms underlying the integration of spatial perception, the neural mechanisms of social interactions between human brains, the psychological processes and neural mechanisms of learning and memory, the impact of social adaptation on psychological development of children, and the human-to-human relationships from a Chinese cultural perspective in the psychology of risk and behavioral decision. The results of these studies have been published in well-known journals in the field, such as Nature Communication, Nature Mathine Intelligence, Nature Human Behaviour, PNAS, Current Biology, eLife, Journal of Neuroscience, Neuroimage, Cerebral Cortex, Child Development, and Acta Psychologica Sinica.
Since its establishment, ECNU psychology has made significant contribution to the development of psychology in China. The five aforementioned well-known professors not only established psychology at ECNU nearly 70 years ago, but also had a profound influence on the development of psychology in China at that time and in subsequent years. Since the beginning of the new millennium, our school has played an increasingly vital role in Chinese psychology. Over the past 20 years, four presidents and several vice presidents of the Chinese Psychological Society have been elected from our faculty members or alumni. Textbooks on experimental psychology, educational psychology and developmental psychology published by our faculty have been widely used in students in various schools for many years. Two Chinese psychology journals sponsored by our school, Journal of Psychological Science and Popular Psychology, have also been influential both in the academic world and among the public. For years our school has been a major contributor to social development (for example, the coordinated development of psychology in the Yangtze River Delta and Yangtze River Economic Belt) in China, and has consistently delivered numerous impactful results in research.
The ECNU School of Psychology is equally focused on basic science and societal impact. Our professors and students forge strong ties with faculty in many other disciplines including education, sociology, economics, linguistics, mathematics, statistics, biology, medical sciences, computer science and artificial intelligence. We have created a leading think tank in China, as well as a leading institution of psychology in teaching and research, which is well recognized by international peers.
Welcome to join us!
心理与认知科学学院网站(The School of Psychology and Cognitive Science website):
Welcome to ECNU where your dream comes true!